My Miracle Mantra
I am committed to maintaining Unwavering Faith that I will Create a professional photography business, and I will put forth Extraordinary Effort until I do, no matter what…there is no other option
The reason I am committed to my mission is because I will be able to live with less stress, enjoy my time off, and help Ron in creating and living the life we want to live together.
To ensure that the attainment of my mission is inevitable, I will remain committed to my process of working in and on my business 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week by creating and following my business plan, without being emotionally attached to my results.
I am committed to my mission and maintain Unwavering Faith while putting forth Extraordinary Effort, because I know that I am just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating tangible, measurable miracles and achieving everything I want, as any other person on earth.
My Process Execution
What did I do today?
Around 8 am: woke up, drank coffee, scrolled through facebook trying to find the start of Cyrissa's growth of her Monat group, struggled to complete day 8 assessment because I have no idea what time I did anything, update google business listing to include brand photography
1040 am: Shower, rinse out naval cavity, definitely helps with breathing and the allergies
1118 am: facebook live about facial peel
1155 pm: reheated pizza and breadsticks for lunch, ate, 30 minute nap
130 pm: got dressed, went to post office, did not have my wallet, so I had to come back home and then go back out, sent 2 amazon packages, went to grocery store, gas station, picked up cigarettes, got home and put away the groceries, spent time with Ron, napped
630 pm: Ron reheated leftovers for dinner, watched White Collar,
630 pm: ate dinner and did nothing valuable the rest of the evening
I will assess my process and progress at the end of every work day on this blog. To assess I will answer the following questions
What was my biggest win towards my mission in the last 24 hours?
My biggest win is .....
Did I follow through with my process?
no. not at all. i am getting worse at maintaining my schedule
What was my biggest area of improvement?
Is there anything I could be doing differently or better?
do my process
What lessons have I learned so far?
I need to have endstates that are realistic for each day along with tasks to complete
Are there any changes/adjustment to my Process that I need to make?
At the end of my mission time, I need to complete my assessment, list out the tasks for the next day identifying the priorities
Is there anyone else I can reach out to for advice or feedback?
Boutique Breakthrough coaching lessons and Peak Performers lessons